gear shitcore 

PELLE8001 puredata patch

chaotic 8-step sequencer. Each step has square wave oscillator, sine wave oscillator, wav file sampler and noise generator. Lenght of steps can be controlled, overall and individually, and sequentially muted. Two square wave oscillators modulate each other and a third one modulates the combined two. Optional random frequency modulation on each one of them with control for range and speed. Sine wave oscillators can be pure, randomized with control of range and tempo, with up/down sweeps or LFO. Samplers can be set to start and end of loop, playback speed…

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Heck Machine

Heck Machine by Karl M V Waugh A Synth Room For All To Share Click Anywhere To Begin! All changes made are shared by all users Except for a mute button in the top left Click, drag, move and type to change things….built over a few days Christmas 2020

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